PESÄ is a perfect opportunity for a getaway! Million-dollar views!
PESÄ offers a chance to recharge—be alone, elevated above everyday distractions, to contemplate new or forgotten thoughts, dream, and relax. With a large wall window providing an excellent view, the 12 m² PESÄ is ideal for two people, but it can also accommodate the whole family. This modern and functional new-age cabin features a bunk bed and a modular bed that can be assembled as needed. Youcan enjoy both sunrise and sunset views, along with sightings of passing wildlife through the window. A modern eco-toilet is located next to PESÄ, while shared restroom and shower facilities can be found a short distance away in the Wine Museum.
Breakfast is served at 09:00 in the Wine Museum.
One night from €78
(breakfast included)

- Accommodates 1-4 people
- Refrigerator
- Kettle
- Ecological dry toilet at PESÄ
- Eco-friendly toiletries
- Towels
- Modern toilets and a shower room are approx. 350m away in the Winery building
- Bunk and double modular bed
- Small Wine Museum in the Winery building
- Tour and tasting for an additional charge
- Charging station for electric cars
- Beach in a walking distance
- Breakfast included
The 12 m2 room with a large window and a magnificent view is big enough for a whole family. The modern and functional new-age cabin has a bunk bed, a sofa and a large chest, which can be combined to create two or three extra places for sleeping. The textiles are decorated with Mulgimaa patterns. You can see the sunrise and the sunset from the large window, as well as wild animals wandering past.
The cabins are firmly fixed to the ground and weatherproof, they don’t cool down quickly in winter and they remain nicely cool in summer. The treehouses are connected to each other with wooden terraces and there is a balcony in front of the large window. The toilets and shower is located nearby in the Winery.
The treehouse gives you the chance to recharge your batteries – be by yourself, far away from your daily chores, think new or forgotten thoughts, dream, have a rest and enjoy the beautiful view or take a walk in the nature.
The treehouses continue the tradition of many people’s pillar barns and stilt houses at a new level – a living or storage space above the ground, which is hard to access for water, animals or strangers. The building is considered the oldest permanent building in the world’s forest zone. The stories of the Siberian peoples, and also Russian fairy-tales, mention houses with chicken legs, which are mystical places where our world meets the netherworld.
It is a great thing! Such 'off-the-ground' cabin is very special and enriches the landscape.
Andres Mets, farmer and neighbour
The winemaker of Morna village
has set up hipster cabins.
Egon Valdaru reporter June 1st 2017 “SAKALA”
Nestled among the picturesque hills of Karksi, two cabins have been erected to delight tourists, thanks to Georg Gavronski, the owner of Õnne Farm in Morna village.
These cabins stand a couple of meters off the ground on stilts. The southern side features a large glass wall that offers stunning views of the vineyard and pea fields, as well as the nearby stone manor house perched on a hill, which was built from the remnants of a former manor’s tenant house. In the distance, you can also see a cherry orchard, the neighbor’s expansive fruit orchards, and a recently restored old mill now used for living.
Stepping into the picture
According to the owner of the Õnne Farm, the greatest value of the cabin is its view. “Standing in front of the wall window, it feels like I’m inside a picture—one dimension seems to vanish when you’re in the air. I encountered similar floor-to-ceiling windows in skyscrapers in Hong Kong over a decade and a half ago.” The winemaker mentioned that the cabin’s Mulgi name is Pesä (the Nest). From there, you can enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and it’s often possible to spot wildlife such as deer, hares, and foxes.
The cabins feature square, smaller windows made from extremely durable plastic, similar to that used around hockey rinks. The 12 square meter space can comfortably accommodate an entire family, with a loft bed, a sofa, and a large box that can be combined to create two to three additional sleeping spots. The textile upholstery showcases Mulgi patterns.
Firmly anchored to the ground with concrete footings, the cabins are, according to the owner, weatherproof; they retain heat well in winter and stay pleasantly cool in summer. The cabins are connected by wooden terraces, and each has a balcony in front of the large wall window.
The best wooden building
“In 2015, a friend of mine from Paide built a treehouse for his sons and unexpectedly won the audience award at the best wooden building competition. My wife and I loved that concept and began to develop it. After a year and a half of hard work, we created these ultra-simple and modern new-age style functional cabins,” Gavronski shared.
The winemaker at Õnne plans to rent out the cabins affordably and hopes they will also appeal to tourists. He has promised that all overnight guests can freely enjoy his pea fields in the fall.
Nearby, there is a toilet in a building that is built in a similar style to the cabins. Interestingly, the owner has also created a cellar within the same hill, where his son plans to start cultivating mushrooms: button mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and porcini.
Georg Gavronski attracts tourists to his beautiful farm and the Mornamaa theme park by offering opportunities for hiking and cycling, enjoying nature, and tasting homemade wines. For years, he has worked tirelessly to create beauty and order on the farm.
The winemaker mentioned that he plans to construct similar cabins in the future with partners, taking everyone’s tastes into account. He believes such a cabin would be particularly well-suited for seaside locations or higher grounds. Since the cabins are elevated, they do not require building permits. Although the first Pesä cabins do not have kitchens or hygiene facilities, these can be added later.
Karksi kandi maaliliste küngaste vahel, viinamarjavälja vaatekauguses rõõmustab nüüdsest turiste kaks majakest, mille on püstitanud Morna küla Õnne talu peremees Georg Gavronski.
Majakesed on maast paari meetri kõrgusel postide otsas. Lõunaküljes on neil suur klaasist sein, mis pakub imelist vaadet viinamarjaväljale ja hernepõllule ning eemal künkal seisvale maakividest häärberile, mis on ehitatud kunagisest mõisa moonakamajast. Kätte paistavad ka kirsiaed, naabri suured viljapuuaiad ning hiljuti elamiseks taastatud vana veski.
Pildi sisse minek
Õnne talu peremehe arvates on majakese suurim väärtus vaade. «Seinaakna ees on tunne, nagu oleksin pildi sees – õhus olles kaob üks dimensioon ära. Samasuguste maast laeni akendega tube kohtasin poolteist kümnendit tagasi Hongkongi pilvelõhkujates.» Veinitalunik ütles, et majakese mulgikeelne nimi on Pesä. Sealt paistab kenasti kätte päiksetõus, aga ka loojang ning tihti võib näha metsloomi: põtru, metskitsi, jäneseid ja rebaseid.
Majakeste ruudukujulised väiksemad aknad on ülitugevast plastist, mille taolist kasutatakse hokiväljakute äärisena. 12 ruutmeetri suurusesse hoonesse mahub magama terve pere. Seal on nari, diivan ja suur kast ning neid kombineerides saab kaks kuni kolm magamiskohta juurde tekitada. Tekstiilipolstrid on Mulgi mustritega.
Betoonankrutega kindlalt maa külge kinnitatud majakesed on peremehe kinnitust mööda ilmastikukindlad, talvel ei jahtu need väga kiiresti ning suvel püsivad mõnusalt jahedad. Pesäd on omavahel ühendatud puidust terrassidega ning suure seinaakna ees on mõlemal rõdu.
Parim puitehitis
«2015. aastal tegi mu Paide tuttav oma poegadele jalgadel onni ja võitis hiljem ootamatult parima puitehitise võistlusel publikupreemia. Mulle abikaasaga meeldis see kontseptsioon väga, hakkasime seda arendama. Poolteist aastat nägime vaeva ning nii valmisid ülilihtsad ja modernsed new age’i stiilis funtsionaalsed majakesed,» rääkis Gavronski.
Õnne veinitalunik hakkab majakesi odavalt välja rentima ja loodab, et need meeldivad ka turistidele. Ta lubas, et kõik öömajalised võivad sügisel vabalt tema hernepõllul maiustada.
Läheduses on majakestega sarnases stiilis tualett. Huvitav on veel asjaolu, et sama künka sisse rajas peremees keldri, kus tema poeg kavatseb hakata kasvatama seeni: šampinjone, austerservikuid ja puravikke.
Georg Gavronski meelitab oma kaunisse tallu ja Mornamaa teemaparki turiste, pakkudes neile võimalust liikuda jalgsi ja jalgrattaga, nautida loodust ning mekkida omatehtud veine. Ilu ja korra loomise nimel on talus juba aastaid meeletult vaeva nähtud.
Veinitalunik ütles, et samasuguseid majakesi hakkab ta edaspidi koos partneritega soovijatele valmistama, arvestatakse igaühe maitsega. Tema arvates sobiks selline majake eriti hästi mere äärde või mõnele kõrgemale kohale. Justkui õhus asetseva majakese püstitamiseks ei ole vaja ehitusluba. Ehkki esimestel Pesädel kööki ja hügieeniruumi pole, saab need lisada.